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World Environment Day 2021 |
World Environment Day 2021: World Environment Day is celebrated every year on 5th June. Its purpose is to make people aware and aware of the protection of the environment. Human life is not possible without nature.
That is why it becomes necessary that we understand how important trees and plants, forests, rivers, lakes, land, mountains are for us. The decision to celebrate this day was taken after discussions at the World Environment Conference organized by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972. After this, the first World Environment Day was celebrated on 5 June 1974.
World Environment Day Theme
The theme of World Environment Day 2021 is 'Celebrate Biodiversity'. Through this theme, this time the message is being given that biodiversity conservation and natural balance are very important for the existence of human life.
To maintain biodiversity, we need to maintain the environment of our earth. The word 'Biodiversity' is made up of two words - biological and diversity. In general, biodiversity refers to different species of flora and fauna.
In nature, the world of humans, other animals, and plants is connected in such a way that if anyone is disrupted, the balance of all gets disturbed. This has a bad effect on human life.
Take these 6 resolutions on Environment Day
The existence of entire humanity is dependent on nature. Therefore, the imagination of human society is incomplete without a healthy and safe environment. Forest officer Arvind Verma said that today we all have to take some resolution together to save nature.
1- Cooperation in the protection of at least one plant must find and save him and plants in
2. Close after not abuse the pond, river, or not polluted puddle, water, and use
3. Power Do not use unnecessary, keep bulbs, fans, or other appliances off after use
4. Throw the garbage in the dustbin and inspire others to do so, it will not cause pollution
5. Stop using plastic/polythene, replace it Use paper bags or bags
6. Have compassion for animals and birds, use bicycles for close work
Save Delhi!
Experts say that the level of all types of pollution in Delhi is increasing very fast. Most of the pollution is in the air. The dust blowing on the road, the smoke of industries, vehicles is so much that now pollution has been found even in the fresh air in the morning.
Recycling the huge amount of waste generated here is also a very difficult task. Apart from this, noise and water pollution are also at their peak.
Due to the bad climate here, Delhi was shown the way out of the race to be the host of the 2014 Asian Games. If the air here was good, maybe the host would have got it.
The theme and slogan of World Environment Day is based
on a specific theme set by the United Nations to make the celebration more effective by encouraging large numbers of people around the world to participate in large numbers of environmental issues on a global scale. The World Environment Day of the year is celebration-based.
Here are some famous statements (given by famous personalities) on World Environment Day:
• "The environment is everything that I am not." - Albert Einstein
• “God cares for these trees, protects them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand storms and floods. But he can't save them from idiots." - John Muir
• "Thank God that man cannot fly, otherwise, he would have ruined the sky as well as the earth." - Henry David Thoreau
• “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, dedicated citizens can change the world; In fact, it is the only thing that is always near." - Margaret Mead
• "We will not have a society if we destroy the environment." - Margaret Mead
• "It's terrifying that we have to fight our government to save the environment." - Ansel Adams
• “I think the environment should be kept in the category of national security. Protecting our resources is as important as protecting the border. Otherwise what is there to defend?" - Robert Redfort
• “Take a flow in good water and air; And in the vibrant youth of nature, you can renew it yourself. go in peace, alone; You will not harm." - John Muir
• “Birds are a signifier of the environment. If he's in trouble, we know we'll be in trouble soon." - Roger Tory Peterson
• "You will never get good drinking water By polluting clean water with mud." - Aeschylus
• "If we don't allow the earth to produce beauty and happiness, in the end, it won't produce food, either." - Joseph Wood Crutch
• "They claim this is our Mother Earth, for their use, and keep their neighbors away from her, spoil it with their buildings and their rubbish." - Sitting Bull
• "Preservation is a state of harmony between man and land." - Aldo Leopold
• “Ultimately, sustainability means keeping the global environment going—Earth Incorporated—like a corporation: with wear and tear, redemption and maintenance accounts. In other words, keeping all of your wealth, rather than emptying your natural wealth." - Maurice Strong
• “Harmony with the land is like the harmony of a friend; You love his right hand and you cannot bite his left hand." - Aldo Leopold
• “You can die but not carbon; Its life will not die with you. It will go back into the ground, and they're a plant can pick it up again in the same amount of time, sending it back once over a cycle of plant and animal life.” – Jacob Bronowski
• “People blame their environment. There is only one person to blame – and only one – himself.” – Robert Collier
• “I can find God in nature, in animals, in birds and the environment, Pat Buckley
• "We must return to nature and the God of nature." - Luther Burbank
• "The only way forward, if we must improve the quality of the environment, is for everyone to be involved." - Richards Rogers
• "Journey with me for a true commitment to our environment. Journey with me to the purity of leaving a planet in balance for our children." - Paul Tsongas
• "Environmental degradation, overpopulation, refugees, drugs, terrorism, world crime movements, and sponsored crime are problems all over the world that do not stop at the nation's border." - Warren Christopher
• "I think the government should put the environment at the top of its national and international priorities." - Brian Mulroney
• “Environmental concern now firmly embedded in public life: in education, medicine, and law; In journalism, in literature and the arts." - Barry Commoner
• "Earth Day 1970 is irrefutable proof that the American people understand the fear of the environment and want to take action to address it." - Barry Commoner
• "The government should set a goal for a clean environment, not a mandate on how this goal should be implemented." - Dixie Lee Ray
• "Why does it seem that there is only one way to improve the environment and that is strict government regulation?" - Gail Norton
• "There is a very important environmental issue that is rarely mentioned, and which is lacking in our culture of conservation." - Gaylard Nelson
• "The earth satisfies every man's need, but not every man's greed." - Mahatma Gandhi
• "What we are living with the forests of the world is only a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and each other." - Mahatma Gandhi
This year's Environment Day will be the capital of China's Zhejiang province
In a release issued by the United Nations Environment Office, China's green energy departments are continuously developing, which has become the leader in the fight against climate change.
China has more than half the electric vehicles and 99 percent of the electric buses in the world. By celebrating the year 2019 World Environment Day, the Chinese government will be able to show its innovation and progress in the environmental field.
Significantly, “World Environment Day” is a global activity led by the United Nations Environment Office, which is celebrated every year on 5 June.
The theme of this year's "World Environment Day" is combating air pollution, the main venue for celebrating the day will be in Hangzhou, the capital of East China's Changjiang province.
The themes and slogans given based on different years are listed here:
• The theme of the year 2018 is "Beat Plastic Pollution".
• The theme for the year 2017 was "Connecting People with Nature".
• The theme of 2016 was "Join the Race to Make the World a Better Place".
• The theme of the year 2015 was "One World, One Environment."
• The theme for the year 2014 was "Small Islands Are the Developed States" or "SIDS" and "Raise Your Voice, Not Sea Level."
• The theme for the year 2013 was "Think, Eat, Save" and the slogan was "Reduce Your Foodprint."
• The theme for the year 2012 was "Green Economy: Why It Has Involved You?"
• The theme of the year 2011 was "Jungle: Nature at Your Service."
• The theme of the year 2010 was “Many Species. a planet. a future."
• The theme for the year 2009 was "Your Planet Needs You - Unite to Fight Climate Change."
• The theme of the year 2008 was "CO2, Kick the Habit - Towards a Low Carbon Economy."
• The theme of the year 2007 was "Is melting - a serious topic?"
• The theme of the year 2006 was "Desert and Desertification" and the slogan was "Don't make a dessert on dry land."
• The theme of the year 2005 was "Green Cities" and the slogan was "Plan for the Planet."
• The theme of the year 2004 was “Want! Sea and Ocean" and the slogan was "Death or Alive?"
• The theme of the year 2003 was "Water" and the slogan was "2 billion people are dying for it."
• The theme of the year 2002 was "Give Earth a Chance".
• The theme of the year 2001 was "The World Wide Web of Life."
• The theme of the year 2000 was "Environmental Centenary" and the slogan was "Time to Work."
• The theme of the year 1999 was "Our Earth - Our Future" and the slogan was "Save it."
• The theme of the year 1998 was "For Life on Earth" and the slogan was "Save Your Ocean."
• The theme of the year 1997 was "For Life on Earth."
• The theme of the year 1996 was "Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home."
• The theme of the year 1995 was “We the People: Unite for the Global Environment.”
• The theme of the year 1994 was "One Earth One Family."
• The theme of the year 1993 was "Poverty and the Environment" and the slogan was "Break the Vicious Cycle."
• The theme of the year 1992 was "Only One Earth, Pay Attention and Share."
• The theme of the year 1991 was “Climate Change. The need for global cooperation."
• The theme of the year 1990 was "Children and the Environment."
• The theme of the year 1989 was “Global Warming; Global warming."
• The theme of the year 1988 was "When people put the environment first, the development will come last."
• The theme of the year 1987 was "Environment and Roofing: More Than One Roof."
• The theme of the year 1986 was "A Plant for Peace."
• The theme of the year 1985 was "Youth: Population and Environment."
• The theme of the year 1984 was "Desertification."
• The theme of the year 1983 was "Disposal and Management of Hazardous Dirt: Acid Rain and Energy."
• The theme of the year 1982 was "10 Years After Stockholm (Resetting Environmental Concerns)."
• The theme of the year 1981 was “Ground Water; Toxic chemicals in the human food chain."
• The theme of the year 1980 was "A New Challenge for the New Decade: Development Without Destruction."
• The theme of the year 1979 was "There is only one future for our children" and the slogan was "Development without destruction."
• The theme of the year 1978 was "Development without destruction".
• The theme of the year 1977 was “Ozone Layer Environmental Concerns; Land loss and soil degradation.
• The theme of the year 1976 was "Water: A Great Source for Life."
• The theme of the year 1975 was "Human Agreement."
• The theme for the year 1974 was "Only one earth during the performance of '74'."
• The theme of the year 1973 was "Only One Earth."
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