World Youth Skills Day 2021: Know everything from the beginning

World Youth Day

World Youth Skills Day 2021 The main objective of World Youth Skills Day is to raise awareness about the importance of youth skill development and allow them to contribute to society as well as the country. Know some more special things related to this day.

Today has a lot of significance for the youth as it is celebrated all over the world as World Youth Skilled Day. Various types of skills are talked about, plans are discussed to advance them and this also increases employment opportunities. 

Unfortunately in today's time, more youth are roaming around unemployed. Employment opportunities are so limited that despite being skilled, they have to survive in low-paying jobs. World Youth Skills Day is celebrated every year on 15th July all over the world to make them aware of these situations. 

History of World Youth Skills Day

Children are the future of our country, you must have heard this line many times, but do they have so many rights and facilities that they can make our future good. It is difficult to answer this. Even today many youths do not even have basic things like education, employment. 

Given this situation, the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2014 decided to celebrate World Youth Skills Day on 15 July every year. Since then every year this day is celebrated. Usually, various programs are organized on this day, but due to the corona epidemic, this time only virtual events are being organized.

The objective of World Youth Skills Day

Its purpose is to promote different types of skills among the youth of the world so that they can get employment opportunities and they can earn a good living due to their skills.

The theme of World Youth Skills Day 2021

The theme of World Youth Skills Day (WYSD) in the year 2021 is “Remaining Youth Skills Post Pandemic”. Each time it has a different theme and is worked on throughout the year. 

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